When you’re struggling with your health, you may see doctor after doctor to heal yourself, but this quest can be fruitless. You will be given prescriptions or instructions or sent for testing – but these efforts will never produce just one answer to solve your health problem. Relationships ebb and flow, but if a health issue is plaguing you, the side effects can stress your relationship to the breaking point. Your relationship can find harmony when you rely on holistic health for balance.
Is your libido at an all-time low?
The hormones in the body must work together to create a delicate equilibrium. The trio of reproductive hormones, adrenal glands, and the thyroid gland affect how we feel and the quality of life we lead, and they impact healthy sexual function.
When one hormone is out of whack, it directly affects the others, diminishing your well-being, and your libido. Your lifestyle impacts the function of hormones like estrogen, testosterone, and cortisol, and, in turn, these hormones can wreak havoc on weight loss, blood pressure, menstrual cycle, mental health, and healthy sexual function.
A customized holistic treatment identifies the right balance of hormones for your unique system so you can have long-term emotional, mental, and physical good health for a healthy libido.
Are stomach problems interfering with intimacy?
Discomfort within your gastrointestinal tract certainly impacts how interested you are in getting close with your partner. If you suffer from acid reflex, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, or ulcerative colitis, your confidence in intimacy can falter.
A compromised digestive system can also compromise your immune system. Being sick all the time, or feeling unhealthy, will make you feel undesirable. You may be too willing to believe that your partner finds you attractive when you’re in a well of ill health. The only thing stopping your body from healing is you – a comprehensive nutritional evaluate can resolve your symptoms and restore your health.
Is infertility affecting the strength of your relationship?
If you are having difficulty conceiving a child, or conceive but are unable to maintain a pregnancy, your relationship will be taxed. Even though you are working together toward the same goal, infertility can destroy couples who strive to turn their union into a family.
Stress interferes with fertility. To increase the likelihood of conception and full-term pregnancy, many couples rely on holistic fertility treatments in conjunction with IVF or other reproductive technologies to improve the likelihood of success, and even to offset the side effects of infertility treatments.
Couples who are just at the start of their trying-to-conceive journey can also benefit from holistic treatment which can improve ovarian response, improve blood flow to the uterus, thicken endometrial lining, improve sperm count, assist implantation, and regulate hormones.
You can make yourself well and improve the health of your relationship.
Holistic wellness treatments balance your energy, enabling your body to find harmony within its many systems. Acupuncture is a proven and highly effective system of medical care for aligning the human body, mind, and spirit to address the underlying cause of a condition. Improve your digestive system with allergy identification, lifestyle changes, and nutritional tweaks. Address hormonal health for a strong mind and body.
When you are balanced, your heart and soul will be balanced, and your relationships – romantic or otherwise – will be all the better for it.
Learn more about targeted holistic health treatments for your overall wellness. Contact Ann Arbor Holistic Health to schedule your consultation.