Adrenal Fatigue Testing
DiagnosTechs Saliva Testing
Imagine your adrenal glands (the tiny-but-powerful organs on top of your kidneys) are like the faucet of your kitchen sink. This faucet controls the flow of stress hormones into your body. When you’re under pressure from a work project, rush hour traffic, or even skipping meals, your body turns on the faucet to release just the right amount of cortisol to help you cope.
Your adrenal system is designed to handle short bursts of stress, in the same way that your kitchen faucet is designed to rinse a few dishes at a time. But over time, the constant demands of modern life take a toll on the body’s ability to function efficiently. You might find yourself with a firehose-level gush of cortisol, making you feel jumpy and on edge. Then the faucet runs dry, leaving you exhausted and desperate for a sugar or caffeine fix.
This imbalance is called adrenal fatigue, and the symptoms can be numerous and frustrating. Functional testing to determine stress hormone levels is key to restoring balance and reclaiming your energy, focus, and resilience.
Adrenal Fatigue Test At Home
Testing for adrenal fatigue concentrates on two hormones: cortisol and DHEA. Your primary stress hormone, cortisol, is what comes out of the faucet when you encounter a tense situation. Cortisol provides the energy to deal with challenges, focus your mind, and keep your blood sugar stable. Normally, the flow of cortisol is strongest in the morning to help start your day, then tapers off at night so you can sleep peacefully.
DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) is the building block of several major hormones, and it behaves like the plumbing that supports the flow of cortisol. If you live with chronic stress, your DHEA levels may drop over time, leaving your whole hormone system fragile and prone to breakdowns.
Saliva testing is one of our preferred methods for a practical, accurate measurement of cortisol and DHEA. Saliva testing is ideal because it involves taking samples at multiple points during the day, which provides a clear picture of how your cortisol and DHEA levels rise and fall over time. Saliva testing also measures “free cortisol,” which is the biologically active form that’s available for your body to use. In contrast, blood tests measure total cortisol, much of which is bound to proteins and not actively affecting your body.
Adrenal fatigue testing is stress-free and convenient to do at home. You simply collect saliva by spitting into a small tube at specific times of the day. This is especially helpful for people who may feel too tired to visit a lab, or who experience stress with blood draws (which could artificially elevate your cortisol levels).
The Goals of Adrenal Fatigue Testing
When your stress faucet is out of control, it’s not just a nuisance – it’s a sign that your body needs help.
If you suspect adrenal fatigue is impacting your health, get started by scheduling a free Comprehensive Consultation & Evaluation online or at our office in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Your Ann Arbor Holistic Health practitioner will spend 45 minutes learning about your history and symptoms to see whether stress hormone testing is right for you. If so, we’ll help you order your test kit and explain how to collect and mail your saliva samples from home.
Based on your results, your practitioner can help you create a comprehensive wellness plan that takes into account your current cortisol and DHEA levels, as well as your diet, lifestyle, and personal health needs. You’ll have the tools you need to fix your stress hormone faucet, repair the plumbing, and get your adrenal system flowing smoothly again.
Signs and Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue
There are a number of signs of adrenal fatigue, but the most common include:
Constant fatigue, even after a full night’s sleep
Feeling like your energy is gone by mid-afternoon
Craving salty snacks or sugary treats to get through the day
Needing caffeine to power through your day
Brain fog that makes it hard to focus
Increased anxiety – feeling “wired but tired” or startling easily
Getting sick more often or taking longer to bounce back
Adrenal fatigue mimics many other conditions, and we often hear from clients who have had dozens of “normal” blood tests before they discovered saliva testing for adrenal fatigue.
Contact Ann Arbor Holistic Health today to learn more about stress hormones, adrenal fatigue, and whether saliva testing is right for you.