Balance Hormones with Progesterone Creme


Volume 5, Issue 4 © 1997, Jon Barron. All Rights Reserved.

Balance Hormones with Progesterone Creme

Vital Hormone Information for Women

Every woman between the ages of 13 and 117 needs to seriously consider supplementation with a natural progesterone creme.

Why? Because virtually every woman who lives in an industrialized country (the United States, in particular) is at high risk of estrogen dominance because of exposure to xenoestrogens. Xeno¬estrogens, which are mostly petroleum based synthetic estrogens, are now present in massive amounts in our food chain, water supply, and environment.

woman listening to woman doctor

At one time, our diets afforded some protection. Fruits and grains and vegetables (in their natural state) provide low-action phytoestrogens for the body. These low-action estrogens fill the body’s estrogen receptor sites - making them unavailable for use by the more potent estrogens - both natural and synthetic. Unfortunately, today’s diets are dominated by processed foods, which are stripped of these beneficial phytoestrogens. The net result is that virtually all of the body’s receptor sites are ready and waiting for the far more intense estrogens.

Some high potency estrogens (such as estrone and estradiol) are produced by the body itself. But far and away, the greatest problem comes from the powerful and destructive petrochemical¬based xenoestrogens. Not only are these xenoestrogens omnipresent, they are considerably more potent than estrogen made by the ovaries - some even potent in amounts as small as a billionth of a gram.

Before we proceed, it is important to understand what role estrogen plays in the body. In addition to promoting the growth of female characteristics at puberty, the estrogen hormones also promote cell growth. It is the estrogens, for example, that stimulate the buildup of tissue and blood in the uterus at the start of the menstrual cycle. The problem comes when high levels of estrogen (natural and synthetic) are unopposed by sufficient amounts of natural progesterone, which leads to continuous, unrestrained cell stimulation. Problems that can occur include:

  • Increased risk of breast cancer

  • Loss of bone mass

  • Increased risk of autoimmune disorders such as lupus

  • Fibrocystic breasts

  • Fibroid tumors

  • Depression and irritability

  • PMS symptoms such as cramping and bloating, in addition to depression and irritability

  • Menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes and night sweats - again, in addition to depression and irritability

  • Decreased sex drive

  • Increased body hair and thinning of scalp hair

  • Migraine headaches

  • Impaired thyroid function, including Grave’s disease

  • Increased body fat

  • Increased blood clotting

  • Impaired blood sugar control

  • The astounding acceleration of puberty in young girls from an average age of 14 to 15, to now as young as 9 or 10. (This represents a speed up of as much as 1/3 sooner in their lives and has frightening implications for long term health.)

  • And, finally, xenoestrogens have been strongly implicated in declining male sperm production and the increase in the rates of testicular cancer and prostate cancer

The Answer: Balance Estrogen

The only natural balancer to excessive estrogen in the body is natural progesterone, not more estrogen. But what about the synthetic “progesterones” (such as Provera) that your doctor recommends? Progesterone is a natural substance, and as such cannot be patented. The pharmaceutical companies, therefore, have to modify it slightly. They literally create a new molecule, called medroxyprogesterone - that does not exist in nature - in order to take out a patent. This “slightly” modified artificial progesterone is what most doctors prescribe. What effect does slight modification have?

Consider the fact that the testosterone molecule and the estrone molecule are virtually identical, except for the fact that the positions of the oxygen atom and the OH atoms change places. This slight “modification,” however, happens to be enough so that one hormone makes men…and the other women.

Even closer is the similarity between DHEA and estrone. The molecules are actually identical except for the location of some of the double bonds between carbon atoms. You cannot get closer. And yet the function of DHEA and estrone could not be more different.

And now look at the difference between natural progesterone and Provera:

The bottom line is that Provera is not natural. It’s a synthetic form of progesterone that carries a whole range of serious side effects. A small sampling of these side effects, as listed in the Physician’s Desk Reference, includes:

  • Depression

  • Birth defects

  • Increased body hair

  • Acne

  • Risk of embolism

  • Decreased glucose tolerance

  • And allergic reactions

Now, in exchange for these significant side effects, Provera does offer some protection against endometrial cancer and a very modest increase in bone formation.

On the other hand, supplementation with natural progesterone has NO known side effects. It is best utilized by the body when administered transdermally with a skin creme that contains approximately 500 milligrams per ounce of natural progesterone and offers the following potential health benefits

According to Dr. John R. Lee, the author of What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause, natural progesterone may significantly improve bone formation by as much as 15%-35%. (Understand, this is unique to natural progesterone. Estrogen supplementation does not increase bone formation; it merely slows the rate of loss for a 5-year period around the time of menopause. And man-made progestin only mildly increases bone formation. If you are worried about osteoporosis, there is only one substance known that significantly improves bone formation, and that’s natural progesterone.)

  • Increased progesterone levels in the body may help to protect against endometrial cancer

  • They may also help protect against breast cancer

  • In addition, supplementation with natural progesterone can help relieve symptoms of PMS

  • Relieve symptoms of menopause

  • Normalize libido

  • Improve the body fat profile

  • Improve sleep patterns

  • And help relieve migraine headaches

The bottom line is that every woman living in the industrialized world should seriously consider supplementation with natural progesterone.

If you decide to begin a regimen of natural progesterone supplementation, look for a premium quality balancing creme that contains a minimum of 500 milligrams per ounce (the amount recommended by Dr. Lee) of 100% pure, USP grade progesterone, naturally derived from soybeans. Look for a natural vegetarian formula that uses no artificial or synthetically derived fragrances, parabens or preservatives. Look for a formula that uses all natural oils and an enhanced liposome delivery system to help move the progesterone through the skin. And finally, look for a formula that uses only ORGANIC wild yam.

Whether you’re still going through your menstrual cycles (or whether you’re pre-menopausal, or menopausal, or post-menopausal), you need to seriously consider supplementation. The benefits are extraordinary; the risks virtually non-existent. And the risks of not supplementing potentially include: an increased risk of breast cancer, endometrial cancer, and osteoporosis to reiterate just a few. (And for men, natural progesterone can help with depression and can help relieve prostate problems.)