Balance Your Hormones, Balance Your Life: Estrogen Dominance & Hormone Balancing

I. Lisa’s Story
II. The Importance of Hormone Balancing
III. The Estrogen/Progesterone Relationship
IV. Estrogen Dominance Symptoms
V. How does Estrogen Dominance Develop?
VI. Estrogen Dominance Testing
VII. How to Correct Hormonal Imbalances
VIII. Lisa’s Resolution
IX. Links to Helpful Information
X. A Call to Action

black woman holding forehead in pain

I. Lisa’s Story

Lisa is a hard-working woman who has dedicated her life to the service of others. A speech therapist who owns her own business, she is constantly busy improving her language therapy techniques as well as managing the finances of a small business. Ever since puberty, however, she has struggled with migraines. These persistent and enduring migraines always seem to worsen at the onset of her period, often leaving her completely debilitated. She has taken the usual litany of migraine medicines such as Imitrex and Topamex, but the medicine often left her feeling dizzy with rebound headaches, or fatigued. Frustrated with the migraines dictating Lisa’s ability to live her life, and the Imitrex which with its undesired side effects, Lisa began to research alternative and holistic solutions to her migraines. Lisa’s battle with migraines had a direct and immediate impact on the life choices she made. She was ready to be the author of her own life, and eradicate migraines at their root.

II. The Importance of Hormone Balancing

How we feel and our quality of life is very dependent on the delicate balance of three essential functions:

1. Reproductive hormones (the body’s masters of ceremony)
2. Adrenal glands (the body’s alarm system)
3. Thyroid gland (the body’s furnace)

This newsletter addresses the relationship of two key reproductive hormones – progesterone and estrogen – and the influence of estrogen dominance on our health. We will explain how and why these hormones serve as our body’s “masters of ceremony.” For our full-length article on estrogen dominance, please click here.

III. The Estrogen/Progesterone Relationship

Estrogen and progesterone play essential roles in the body, and understanding these roles is an important step in maintaining and renewing hormonal balance.

Estrogen: developmental catalyst and stimulant, primarily of female characteristics
Progesterone: multi-purpose hormonal building block, prevents estrogen dominance

Estrogen and progesterone are needed in the system to work as members of a team, and as oppositional forces. It is important that balance is maintained between the two.

IV. Estrogen Dominance Symptoms

High levels of estrogen become an issue when they are unopposed by adequate levels of progesterone. The following problems can arise when the relationship becomes exceedingly off-balance:

1. The only known cause of endometrial cancer is due to excess estrogen
2. Increased risk of breast cancer
3. Loss of bone mass
4. Increased risk of autoimmune disorders such as lupus
5. Fibrocystic breasts
6. Uterine fibroids
7. Depression and irritability
8. PMS symptoms such as cramping and bloating
9. Menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes and night sweats
10. Decreased sex drive
11. Increased body hair and thinning of scalp hair
12. Migraine headaches
13. Impaired thyroid function, including Grave’s disease
14. Increased body fat
15. Increased blood clotting
15. Impaired blood sugar control
16. Endometriosis
17. Policystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
18. Low Thyroid Function

V. How does Estrogen Dominance Develop?

Though estrogen dominance occurs naturally with age, there are three additional contributing factors:

1. pharmaceutical: synthetically produced hormones.
    Examples: Birth control pills, Hormone Replacement Therapy.
2. xenoestrogens: chemically-based estrogens found in a modernized environment.
    Examples: B.P.A. (bisphenol-A) found in plastic bottles and can linings.
3. phytoestrogens: naturally-occurring estrogen found in plants and plant derivatives.
    Examples: Soy products and the lignans in flax seed products.

VI. Estrogen Dominance Testing

Most doctors only test for estrogen and rarely assess progesterone levels or the relationship between the two, leaving patients without real solutions. This is why Ann Arbor Holistic Health offers a comprehensive saliva test. Saliva testing measures hormones in tissues that are biologically active, or “fractionated.” Saliva tests are done at home and consist of various samples taken at different times during one full day. Since our hormone levels fluctuate during the day, this method is a more accurate representation of the true estrogen-progesterone relationship. Additionally, saliva testing also measures testosterone levels and the stress hormone cortisol, offering a more comprehensive view of our overall hormonal health. Ann Arbor Holistic Health recommends this simple and cost effective test.

VII. How to Correct Hormonal Imbalances

Most doctors prescribe pharmaceutical hormones for issues related to menstrual irregularities, gynecological problems, and premenopausal or menopausal symptoms. Due to the pharmaceutical hormones’ side effects and implications with estrogen dominance, many women, holistic practitioners, and doctors are turning to changes in lifestyle and diet, as well as bio-identical hormones.  It is crucial that you find a health practitioner who understands how to incorporate a variety of treatments that work for your needs.

VIII. Lisa’s Resolution

After consulting the appropriate health care provider, Lisa removed xenoestrogens and phytoestrogens from her home environment and diet. She began taking progesterone and nutrient supplements, and soon noted a drastic improvement in her overall health. She has been migraine-free ever since.