Genetic & Genomic Testing
Fagron Pro7
Imagine your body is a giant, incredibly complex kitchen. Your genome is the complete cookbook that contains all the information needed to create every dish (protein) required for your body to function. Inside that genome are your genes, tiny segments of DNA that are like the recipes in your cookbook.
Each gene contains instructions for making a particular protein. Those instructions include the ingredient list – adenine, thymine, cytosine, guanine – and step-by-step directions for how amino acids should be assembled to form the required proteins.
Those genetic instructions are all unique to you. Some recipes are handed down through the generations, and some are new variations that were made as your DNA was formed in the womb. Some recipes change over time with exposure to different environmental circumstances, and some are only available for special occasions.
Understanding your genome and genetics means you can personalize your health journey to the quirks and needs of your own DNA. Genetic and genomic testing can show your predisposition to making recipes with certain hormonal, metabolic, brain, inflammation, and vitamin abnormalities, offering valuable information for a customized wellness plan.

How does genetic testing work?
Genetic and genomic testing like the Fagron Pro7 use a sample of cells to capture your DNA. That DNA is carefully processed so genetic experts can get a detailed look at specific genes or regions of your genome.
To achieve this, the lab creates many copies of targeted DNA segments, using a technique called Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). Thinking back to our kitchen metaphor, the lab is essentially making the same recipe many, many times, so they can test it again and again until they understand all the details of how it was made.
Specific genes or genetic regions are singled out because we know what impact those genes have on the way the body functions. By compiling all of the details of your genetic recipes, the lab can produce a report with helpful information about a range of health tendencies.
Let’s clarify one point right away: Genetic testing is not a crystal ball. It cannot tell you whether or when you’ll develop a certain disease. It can’t predict your future – and that’s a very good thing! It means you have a lot of control over how your body uses the information in your genes.
Certainly genetic testing can be useful for reproductive planning. It’s helpful to understand how your ancestral heritage impacts your likelihood of developing certain “recipes” within your genetic code. But genomic testing can also unlock a lot of details about preventative wellness, meaning the nutrition, exercise, supplement, and lifestyle steps you can take to best fit your genome.
If you’re interested in genetic testing, get started by scheduling a free Comprehensive Consultation & Evaluation, either online or at our office in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Your Ann Arbor Holistic Health practitioner will take 45 minutes to learn about your symptoms, your health goals, and your history to see if genetic and genomic testing makes sense for you.
If so, the test is easily ordered and mailed to your home. Simple directions make it easy to collect your DNA with a soft swab on the inside of your cheek, then mail your test kit back in the provided prepaid envelope. Once you have results, your practitioner will help you create a comprehensive wellness plan that takes into account your genetics, as well as your lifestyle and personal health goals.
Why do genetic testing?
What does genetic testing show?
Genetic Testing Near Me
We love the Fagron Pro7 Nutrigenomic Panel because the results can help you identify how to take the best care possible of your unique body. Insights include:
Methylation: Methylation acts like a switch that can turn genes on or off, so your cells know which genes to use and when to use them. Genetic testing can look for signs of improperly regulated methylation, often the source of health problems.
Neurotransmitter Processing: Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers in your brain that help regulate your mood, sleep, focus, and many other important functions. Genetic testing can analyze your DNA to see how well your body might be able to produce, use, and break down neurotransmitters.
Mitochondrial Function: Mitochondria are tiny structures inside your cells that act like power plants, producing the energy your body needs to function properly. Genetic testing looks at how your genes might affect the efficiency and health of these cellular powerhouses.
Detoxification: Toxins can come from your environment, medication, alcohol, and even the food you eat. Genetic testing analyzes specific genes that influence how efficiently your body can process and eliminate toxins.
Inflammatory Potential: The body might develop inflammation in response to a number of factors, including environmental pollutants, allergens, stress, and more; long-term inflammation is responsible for almost all chronic health challenges. Genetic testing looks at the genes that impact your body's inflammatory responses.
The beauty of genetic and genomic testing is that the results are forever! Your genome is what it’s always been, and you’ll never need to repeat your tests.
Contact Ann Arbor Holistic Health today to learn more about genetic testing and whether it’s right for you.