Please enjoy our helpful articles and pages about a variety of conditions, testing, and other helpful health tips!
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Conditions We Support
Gut Health & Nutrition
Leaky gut can be the real problem behind food sensitivities, bowel inflammation, autoimmune disorders, thyroid imbalances, skin conditions, and more.
Thyroid Health
You may have a thyroid problem, even if your standard blood test results came back as “normal.” Discover the missing pieces to the thyroid puzzle.
Hormone Issues
Did you think puberty was the only time your hormones ruled your life? Balance your hormones to optimize your health, so you get well and stay well.
Allergies, Histamine & Gluten Intolerance
Most people are not born with their food allergies, sensitivities, or intolerances – they’re acquired. Find out when, why, and the most common symptoms.
Weight Management
Quick fixes are never the long-term answer. Lose weight or add muscle as needed with a whole-body approach and customized plan.
Adrenal Fatigue
Experienced long-term stress? If your body feels permanently taxed and your energy levels are wiped out, adrenal fatigue may be the cause.
Diabetes & Blood Sugar Balance
Understand metabolic disorders like diabetes and hypoglycemia, plus how to stabilize your glucose naturally to manage blood sugar imbalances.
Autoimmune Conditions
Autoimmunity can feel as if you’re fighting your own body. Changes to nutrition and lifestyle can help get your body’s systems working for you again.
Candida & Chronic Infections
Candida overgrowth can exhaust your immune system and is linked to an increasing number of conditions. Learn the signs and next steps.
Reproductive Health & Fertility
A functional approach to infertility looks at more than just sex hormones. Find out more about restoring fertility and getting pregnant naturally.

Functional Testing
Comprehensive Blood Chemistry Analysis
(Customized Testing)
Get the “big picture” overview for markers associated with healthy thyroid, liver, gallbladder, and kidney function, plus maintaining balanced blood sugar and vitamin levels.
Food Sensitivity Testing
(IgG Food MAP)
Assesses how your body responds to the foods you eat every day and which ones are potentially problematic for you – there are always some surprises!
Comprehensive Hormone Analysis
(DUTCH Complete)
Identify hormone levels and the potential adjustments that could ramp up your energy, improve your mood, and help you become a sleep rockstar.
Gut Health Analysis
Detect 80+ possible gut disturbances, including bacteria, parasites, and yeast, for great insight into how well you’re digesting your food, whether there are signs of toxin build-up or inflammation, and how well your immune system responds.
Nutrient & Heavy Metals Testing
Shows the nutrients that need replenishing and whether detoxification is needed to address any toxic heavy metal build-up.
Genetics & Genomics Testing
(Fagron Sciences)
Indicates your genetic predisposition to hormonal, metabolic, brain, inflammation, and vitamin abnormalities, offering valuable information for a customized wellness plan.
Stress Hormone & Adrenal Fatigue Testing
(Saliva Testing)
Measure cortisol and other hormones to discover any patterns that may result from chronic stress – a must for fatigue, anxiety, insomnia, or stubborn weight gain.
Mold & Mycotoxins Testing
Tests for environmental exposure to 11 different mycotoxins from 40 species of mold, with highly sensitive and accurate advanced mass spectrometry technology.
Toxic Build-up Testing
(Vibrant Total Tox Burden)
Test for exposure to 80+ toxic chemicals and metals frequently found in pharmaceuticals, pesticides, packaged foods, household products, mold, and the environment.

Commonly Searched
Leaky Gut can have far-reaching effects throughout your entire body. Digestive issue, sure, but also respiratory complications, pain, mental health, skin problems, migraines, fatigue, and more.
Holistic digestive health focuses on helping your body learn how to heal itself, and that includes your mental health.
Hormone levels affect how your body reacts to stress and it regulates your digestion, the immune system, mood and emotions, sexuality, and energy levels.
An overabundance of estrogen can create problems in men and women. Diindolylmethane (DIM), found in cruciferous vegetables (think broccoli and cabbage), has been shown to improve estrogen metabolism imbalances.
Many of the root causes for fertility challenges are the same as they are for other varieties of hormone imbalance.
There are many factors involved in the physical process of getting pregnant and staying pregnant, more than you may have imagined.
An overview of rhythms, cycles and fertility awareness, including how your lifestyle choices can help regulate your reproductive system.
Hormonal imbalance can reveal itself in a wide variety of ways, and supplementing with natural progesterone cream may help.
Up to 20% of women of reproductive age in America may suffer from PCOS, and it can increase their risk of coronary heart disease.
Antioxidant supplementation – glutathione (GSH) in particular – can improve sperm quality, and possibly increase your chances of conceiving.
Understand Hashimoto’s and how to bring back balance to your whole body, with a custom holistic plan that addresses thyroid function, energy, and overall health.
Rheumatoid arthritis can be a debilitating condition. Separating fact from fiction can help slow RA progression and improve your quality of life.