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The True Cost of Undetected Food Allergies

“We are putting toxic dumpsites in our bodies and this is leading to problems in children, adults and even infants,” says Dr. Rapp, Pediatric Allergist and Mother of Environmental Medicine.

Why aren’t more doctors talking about this? If food allergies and environmental hazards are so detrimental, why is it so difficult to find medical professionals who know about them? Dr. Rapp believes that “although we have many scientific studies to prove [the existence of food allergies], individuals or business with vested interests have managed to influence the insurance companies” to make it more difficult for sufferers to receive treatment. Those with life-altering food allergies continue to suffer while these businesses make more money.

Today the healthcare system in the United States is the most expensive in the world, yet the U.S. often ranks last in comparative healthcare studies. In terms of quality, access, efficiency and equity, we are lagging far behind other developed nations.

Ever since she was an infant, Marsha behaved strangely. She had diarrhea and was irritable all day long. Her mother was constantly in and out of hospitals. At one point Marsha spent 57 days interned at the hospital, costing her family $750 per day. Marsha eventually had a consultation with Dr. Rapp, who diagnosed her with strong allergies to fluoride. Marsha’s IQ jumped from 56 to 128. Says Dr. Rapp: “It’s a shame that more people don’t understand that chemicals can have strange affects on some children and the mothers are smarter than you think. Many times they can give you answers when no one else can.”

Don’t let the true cost of food allergies overwhelm your bank account. Change the conversation and get tested for food allergies as soon as possible.