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2 Causes of Cancer and Chronic Disease: Deficiency and Toxicity

2 Causes of Cancer and Chronic Disease: Deficiency and Toxicity

Chronic disease is drastically rising and there are two key factors: deficiency and toxicity.

1. Deficiency

The typical “American” diet is often devoid of necessary nutrients and supplemented with sugars, artificial flavorings and dyes, and plenty of other synthetic chemicals which react poorly with our bodies existing biochemistry. This lack of vitamins, minerals and nutrients weakens our immune system. It’s like putting diesel in a gasoline engine: The car doesn’t run well, if at all. Our bodies require a very specific mix of vitamins, minerals and nutrients, and feeding it something else entirely leads to poor performance.

2. Toxicity

We are exposed to toxins every single day of our lives, through the air, food, medicine and water that we consume. Even before we are born, our bodies absorb detrimental chemicals through our parents, and the heredity of our grandparents.