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Discover Your Personal Paleo Key

Discover how hundreds of people lose weight, gain energy, and get healthier with my simple, practical and individualized Paleo Key program.

Your body needs a diet that is tailored to you. Each body is made up of a unique genetic blueprint which contributes to who we are on the inside and out. The Personal Paleo Key can help you discover YOUR dietary blueprint.

There is no “secret formula.” Restrictive diets like The Zone, Atkins and the South Beach Diet may work temporarily, but they are not healthy lifestyles. The Key to success with Paleo is that it works for you, forever.

The 3 Keys to Paleo success are:

4 Reasons Fitness and Health Experts support the Paleo Diet:

  1. it’s backed by scientific research
  2. it’s based on the newest discoveries about human biology and genetics
  3. it’s rooted in a diet that humans safely and healthily ate for thousands of years
  4. it works for all kinds of people from children with food allergies to athletes to working moms

3 Reasons Why the Personal Paleo Key is the best Paleo Diet approach

1. There’s a lot of controversy about the “right” way to do the Paleo diet.

            Some say no dairy, others say dairy in moderation.

            Some say eliminate sweeteners, others say sweeteners in moderation.

            Some say count those calories! Others say mind those protein, carb and fat ratios.

            Some say certain grains are OK, others say no grains ever again!

            There is no “right” answer.

2. The diet is not tailored to your needs, goals and life

            “I run marathons- can Paleo still work for me?

            “I want to lose weight- what’s the best way to do that for me?”

            “I’m a working Mom- what’s the most efficient Paleo approach for me?”

            Each person is different.

3. It’s hard to follow Paleo without support and guidance

            “What are the obstacles and how can I overcome them?
            “Where can I learn about the foods I can and cannot eat?”

            “When will I start to feel better?”

            “When will I start to lose weight?”

            “Where and how do I start?”

            Expert guidance will support your individual needs.

PERSONALIZATION is the answer. This is why the Personal Paleo Key works for others, and why it will work for you.

The Personal Paleo Key works for people who

  1. want a change
  2. know the crucial role nutrition plays in making that change
  3. understand change doesn’t happen with the blink of an eye and will spend the 2-3 months it takes to do it right

The Personal Paleo Key works for people because they know

  1. their body is unique
  2. their history is unique
  3. their circumstances are unique
  4. their genes are unique

Each individual requires an individualized diet.

Here’s my take on the Personal Paleo Key…

After practicing for over 13 years and working with hundreds of patients, I am confident that I can find a Personal Paleo Key that works for you. With expert support and easy-to-use tools to keep you on track, we will find your Key to health and wellness.

Why should you listen to me?

My name is Gary Merel, Digestive Health Specialist. I am a graduate of the New York College of Healthcare Professionals with an M.S. In Oriental Medicine. I have a Certification in Enzyme Nutrition from the Loomis Institute in Madison, Wisconsin and am a guest lecturer at the University of Michigan Medical School. I have over 13 years of helping people just like you find their way back to health.

A history of food allergies in my family encouraged me to study holistic medicine. I never wanted anyone to go through what both my mother and father experienced.

At Digestive Health Ann Arbor I now practice Functional Medicine which is

The Personal Paleo Key is an easy-to-follow 3-step program:

Step 1: Refresh

This is the way we feel after a good night’s sleep. By removing certain foods we can rejuvenate our bodies to prepare for the healing process to come.

Step 2: Restart

Once your body has a much-needed refresher, you may restart to eat some of the foods from Step 1 to see if your body responds favorably to them.

Step 3: Recalibrate

In the third and final step we tailor your diet to fit you, based on Steps 1 and 2. In this way you will have some basic and reasonable diet guidelines that you can live with, for the rest of your life.

3 Reasons why the Personal Paleo Key Can Save you $1000s of dollars:

  1. It’s YOUR Paleo Key, designed to work for you and no one else.

Conventional medicine believes in a one-size-fits all model, but not every key works in every lock.

  1. The Key fits your needs, depending on the circumstances of your life- it can CHANGE to fit YOU.

Very few medical practitioners have the freedom to engage in dynamic functional medicine. Their “new” solutions involve the latest medications that don’t work and may lead to secondary health conditions.

  1. You get not only the Key but all the tools needed to tweak as you see fit.

At Digestive Health Ann Arbor we believe that YOU have all the answers you need already. We’re just here to help you on your path to find them.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Does the Personal Paleo Key include or require blood tests or lab work?

The Personal Paleo Key will teach you a scientific method-based process for discovering what works and doesn’t work for your body. While Digestive Health Ann Arbor offers blood tests and lab work, it is possible to create a customized diet without these services if you are willing to put in the time and energy. Of course, we will be there throughout the process to support you as you need.

I have a specific disease, condition or chronic illness. Can the Personal Paleo Key cure me?

The Personal Paleo Key is not meant to be a substitute for care from a medical professional. However, finding your Key will help you to optimize your nutritional health which will inevitably strengthen your body in many other ways. Many health issues directly correlate to nutrition.

How long until I see results?

You will likely see results immediately. However, it takes at least 90 days to really personalize your diet. To truly give the Personal Paleo Key a go you need to invest at least three months. The 3 phases take time.

Please call 734-726-0153 to schedule a free consultation and evaluation. At Digestive Health Ann Arbor we are known for providing professional and compassionate care. We strive to guide people towards a comprehensive and holistic healing strategy. Restoring your body to health will restore the quality of your life.